My Journey to Empowerment: Introducing Aida Coaching

Women wear many hats and juggle many roles. 

My hats include - mother, former marketing leader in the tech industry, angel investor, and now, a Certified Coach and Founder of Aida Coaching. But, there's one thing that ties all these roles together, my passion for empowering women.

But first let's rewind. I was born the fourth child of an immigrant Muslim family in France. My mother, a single woman in an era when divorce was frowned upon, became my guiding light. She founded four companies and built a thriving property estate, all while raising her children single-handedly. Her resilience was my first exposure to the power of women. It ignited in me a drive to ensure that women everywhere could recognize their worth, just like she did.

Despite this early inspiration, my journey into the male-dominated tech world was challenging. I often found myself silencing my discomfort, choosing to blend in rather than confront sexist attitudes. I began to see this as normal. Spoiler alert - it isn't.
I had to learn to navigate in international territories where the cultural norms, language, and business practices were entirely different from my own. In these foreign environments, I faced the dual challenge of not only being a woman in tech but also being an outsider navigating new and complex cultures. 

Fast forward a few years, my growing confidence was shadowed by frustration. I was letting my emotions control me, often leading to regrettable actions. But, everything started to change when I got a coach.

My coach became my compass, guiding me to a perspective I hadn’t seen before. It helped me navigate a difficult relationship with a manager, and probably saved me from leaving a job I loved. Over time, I learned to pause, rethink, and react wisely. But, it wasn’t a quick fix. It took me months to unlearn old habits, to shed the conditioned layers, and to start speaking my truth without fear.

And guess what? It worked wonders. I progressed in my career, and soon found myself part of an inclusion and diversity committee. However, I noticed the focus was more on numbers rather than on empowering the women already within the organization. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands.

With the support of internal sponsors and a team of amazing women, I launched the largest women-centric initiative in our organization, and watched the demand surge. It was magical to see more women step into their power, recognize their worth, and chase their true ambitions.

Throughout this journey, I discovered my passion for supporting women in the workplace. I felt drawn to share the wisdom I had gathered over the years, hoping to see others thrive just like I did.

That's when Aida Coaching was born. I became a certified coach, committing myself fully to empowering women. I envisioned a platform that provided every woman, irrespective of her situation, with the tools to navigate her career and life confidently.

Aida Coaching is about you taking control of your future. It's about learning from those who've been there, done that. It's about creating a pathway you can be proud of. Above all, it's about creating a ripple effect of empowered women supporting each other.

Being a mother to two daughters, my determination to pave the way for them, just as my mother did for me, is stronger than ever.

Aida Coaching is not just a coaching platform. It's a movement. It's a community. It's a collective of women supporting each other to soar higher. So, if you're ready to stop playing small and get honest with yourself about the life you truly want, I'm here to guide you.

Because anything is possible when you know the steps you need to take, and when you have a supportive community cheering for you. Let’s take this journey together.

Are you ready to put yourself first?


Your personal values


The Art of Being Heard