The next RESET cohorts will start in September 2024.


In a world pushing us into predefined moulds, embracing authenticity can seem overwhelming.

That's where RESET comes in, our online group coaching programme, designed with you in mind.

This journey is not about transforming into someone new, but about unveiling the real 'you' obscured by societal pressures. We equip you with the tools to navigate life with authenticity courageously, challenging limiting beliefs and aligning your path with your passions and values.

One time
For 3 months

14 weeks online programme, including access to 12 educational videos and 14 live calls with your cohort. Foundational Coaching.

✓ 12 Weekly online lessons
✓ 14 Weekly cohort meetings
✓ Course material and downloadable worksheets
✓ Access to Aida Coaching resources
✓ 2 special sessions for sharing insights and feedback
  • "

    Working with Sonia has been a real eye-opener. Her guidance and support have helped me gain a new perspective on life and clarity on my goals and path forward. Sonia gives you the courage to believe anything is possible and the tools to make it happen. Within a month of coaching, I had already completed a major life goal that has been on my list for years. Grateful for the experience and opportunity to work with Sonia.

    Iliyana L.

  • "

    Despite having had years of therapy, working with Sonia has unlocked several new perspectives and fresh insights into the issues holding me back. It never matters what I discuss with Sonia during our sessions, she expertly guides me through any issues and provides tangible actions that have resulted in significant improvements in my focus and well-being. Sonia goes above and beyond to provide the help, coaching and guidance I need, offering compassion and direction in equal measure.

    Claire B.

  • "

    I came to Sonia for some help coaching me on my business goals. What I received was so much more. Sonia helped me identify my values, and the limiting beliefs holding me back, gave practical advice on the details I was stuck on, and lit my fire for wanting to achieve more than I dreamed of. I would recommend Sonia for coaching any part of your life or business.

    Polly S.

  • "

    I always love my coaching sessions with Sonia. She cares deeply about her craft and clients, which is evident in everything she does and says. Sonia radiates a remarkable amount of positive energy, creating an atmosphere where I feel comfortable being open and vulnerable. She is also very intuitive - I feel like she knows the exact questions to ask or exercises to offer to get to the core of what is in my way. I appreciate everything Sonia offers in our sessions, and I highly recommend her to anyone facing obstacles in achieving their goals and living life to their fullest.

    Jeannine Shaughnessy

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    Sonia Ouarti is straightforward and pragmatic. Her advice is always accurate and helpful. In a few minutes, she locates the points to unlock and gives you relevant ways to crush it.

    Audrey Puget

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    Aida Coaching is exactly what I needed, bringing clarity to my values and goals when I thought I was stuck. It helped me create headspace to reflect on my successes, my failures and most importantly, my opportunities to grow personally and professionally. Truly empowering and life-changing, Sonia taught me a lot about my self-limiting beliefs and how to overcome them. I now have a clear strategy to achieve my personal and professional objectives. I’m ready to rise and shine!

    Perrine FW